Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rock Climbing and Crawling Cuteness!!

This saturday we got to have a great family day that dustins command put together, Gabriel got to go up the rock wall for the very first time. He took to it like a pro!!! he amazes me!!

Getting his harness put on

All Set, Lets get hooked up to the line!!!

OKay hooked up show me what to do!!


And off he goes

Liberty decided the heat was to much and spent it inside with her completly delicious watermelon! Haha!! she loves watermelon

The twins are officially on the move! Its just such cuteness, Enjoy the video.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

A few new Milestones

There have been a few new milestones in the house since our 4th of July holiday.. We now have crawlers and standers in the house!! The twins love pulling up on their toys.. still not sure how to get back down once they've gotten up there Ha Ha!! but they are mobile non the less!! its getting fun watching them follow their older brother and sister around the house!

And My big boy has lost his first tooth!!! The tooth fairy has paid us her first visit!! or "his" since he's the one that put the money there.... tee hee... and the second one is not far behind.. soon both bottom teeth will be gone and the grown up one's showing up... *sigh* he's getting so big!! my man will be starting 1st grade in less then a month! just can't beleive it!!

My new goal is to post every sunday night on our weeks happenings since so much happens here in just a few days hahahaha!! wish me luck with that.. *wink*

Monday, July 13, 2009

Our 4th Of July

Our 4th of July was so awsome!! we got to spend it in Utah with Family! it was wonderful!! Lots of good food and fun times!!
Here is Liberty and Her Opa at the Parade waiting for it to start
Liberty and I watching some fireworks we bought and lit off at Oma and Opa's house

Me pushing the stroller with Grace and Liberty, Alexis wanted to be held so Oma took the privelege of doing that Ha!

My beautiful Liberty posing for the camera

We did some swimming in the community pool in dustin's parents neighborhood Liberty cried the whole time

The twins' new play area we got while we were there and got to bring home with us! yay for containment!

My strawberry patch girls haha!!

Me out with the girls taking a break from mommy duty! it was nice!

Opa taught Gabriel how to swim while we were there, he's getting pretty good!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pinecone's and Waterslides

Well summer has offically begun!!! Dustin's command has been amazing to us and bought us a waterslide for our back yard.. we got to start playing on that!! It was wonderful!! Here are some pics of how much fun!!

Grace stayed in and kept working on her crawling LOL she didn't want to be outside it was to hot! Ha!

Not entirley sure who thought Alexis needed a pinecone Ha!! but she got one anyways haha!

Gabe took the first ride down!!

Liberty sat on the side lines and watched just like a girl and just put her feet in.. LOL

Daddy took a turn........

Then Mommy.... it was so much fun!!!

We got a quick video of Gabe going down we are LOVING this toy!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Jumps and Snuffs

Gabriel is getting brave with his bike. He has started going over a bike jump here is a quickie clip of it.. He is loving it..

And Grace has a fun little snuff face when she thinks she's being cute or something frustrates her Haha so much fun!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Daddy Daughter moment

Grace and Dustin had a moment the other day.. and Grace had her story to tell about it.. Haha! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Its finally warming up enough to play in our pool! yay!! So of course pictures were taken...

Gabriel swimming using his goggles so he can see where he's going Ha!!!
Grace's First pool expierience! she LOVED it!!!

"The Boys" Hanging out next door at Nicholas's house in thier pool! (Cause his is just better I guess hahaha)

Grace Floating, she does it really well and enjoyed it alot!

Alexis wasn't to thrilled with the whole thing, haha!! she doesn't think the pool is all that... she might come around....

Alexis's discovered voice

Alexis discovered her voice quiet well and now is constantly voicing her oppinion about things.. its so much fun! Ha!! My poor ears hear it all day long! Enjoy :-)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Girls and their Giggles

The Twins yesterday had a very twin moment... All Alexis had to so was make some kind of funny noise and Grace thought it was a crack up. so they entertained each other while all the chaos in the background took place Ha!! Enjoy

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Courtesy of the Baseball Bat

Liberty got hit in the head on sunday by a metal baseball bat, a complete accident, bless the little boys heart. He felt so horrible he made her some brownies.. She has a slight fracture of her eye orbit just under the eyebrow, nothing they can do about that it will just have to heal on its own.. her eye is fine under all that swolleness. but the doctor said it will take 5-7 days for the sweeling to go away compeletly, and almost 2 full months before all the discoloration will be gone.. *sigh* my poor baby girl.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Feets and Giggles

Alexis and Grace were sitting talking to each other, when Grace discovered something interesting and worth giggling over haha!! enjoy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Alexis's Surgery

Alexis's surgery went very well!! She was such a superstar! and the mass is Benign!! Yay!!

Here is my sweet little girl waiting for our turn to go back

Playing with stickers in her crib in pre op she loved them it was funny

A quick power nap in Pre Op we were there very early

All done!! and now recovering

Wide awake and waiting for the nurse to take out the IV so we can go home! She was so brave! and did Awsome!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sea World

Sea World was AMAZING!!!! The kids had just a blast! and we had a great family day and made lots of wonderful memories there. Liberty had her first experience with cotton candy.. haha!! it didn't go so well, she doesn't like it, well, in her mouth anyways.. haha!! she LOVED playing with it in her fingers, but decided that to put it in her mouth was just not okay... what a cutie!

The Twins just chilled in their car seats most of the time, didn't do much, didn't really have to much of a care in the world, as long as they were fed and changed they were good.... We got the most awsome seats in the shamu show.. center stage and in the soak zone!! We got it good!! They even said up on their oversized tv's that we have been warned HA!! so awsome! There was a psycho sea lion out that day, he was all over the tank playing and jumping and sliding across the rocks and stuff, needless to say he felt pretty good I guess... what a good day! At the end of the day the kiddos were pooped... but very happy