Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wild hair, cats and sister talk!! what a good sunday!!

So after nap time this is what our beautiful toddler looks like! Haha!! but she loves the cat when he's on his tower so there she is up on it with him, loving on him.

Grace was feeling particularly photogenic today... everytime I pulled the camera out she would get oh so very excited about it.. so I got a little camera happy with her! She is currently in hats and cloves to stop her scratching though, due to some eczima issues, BUT we are almost over them YAY!!! Keep up the good work grace!!

The twins found each other quite fasinating the other day. and found out they were great conversation with each other Ha!! so we got some talk time on video..... Enjoy :-)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Zuess and Funny Big Brother

So today was just beautiful and so the kids got turned loose into the backyard. As did zuess who really needed the sun shine. The kids enjoy petting his shell and watching him eat the grass they it is fascinating Ha!! But this is his size now..

And this would be the size he started out as.. this was 8 weeks after he hatched when we got him.

Grace today found her big brother to just be

an absolute crack up so I had to get video

of that as well.. Hahaha!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A good day!

So the twins slept all night!! Yay! Which for a change I had all kinds of energy and completly took my house back. Ha!! it was a disaster I hated it! Well so now that I have taken my house back, and the sun was shining all day, the kids got to go out and play outside and get their cabin fever out of their systems, it was just so beautiful today. And the twins also got to go outside with me and spend some time in the sun on a blanket it was quiet nice. So at the end of a really nice day, we enjoyed Shells 'n Cheese on paper plates and had a giggle fest, seen in the video below. Liberty felt she needed to help with a bottle. Haha!! Not sure how sitting on the table helped to much though.

And Gabriel thought his beans were fun to play with tonight. And Alexis sure enjoyed being at the table with us...
All in all it was a good day!

Enjoy our Giggle fest!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What a day.....

Our day started out silly with Gabriel and Alexis hanging out on the couch. It continued on with very little excitment, but that unfortunatly didn't last long... Ha! Soon Grace's hard day started all over again, and we continued on with rocking and bouncing for most of the day. I am going to be trying to get a doctors appointment for her tommorow along with Liberty to get her eye looked at. Since Gabriel so lovingly smacked her in the eye today and it began to bleed.. *sigh*

So the middle of the consisted with a nap on the floor for the twins, and myself keeping a close eye on Liberty's injured eye to make sure it doesn't get worse, and laying with her on the couch, and given that Liberty is an unbeleivably violent sleeper the nap did not go well for mommy.
The day ended with Alexis yelling at Gabriel, demonstrated in the video. She just had to tell him all about her very hard day, and how sore her legs most likely are..... *sigh* I'm glad the day is over and I hope that tommorow is better.

3 A.M..............

Would be the hour in which I could finally stop walking and bouncing with grace this morning. Only to have a 6 am wake up with Liberty. so we will see how the day goes on a whole lot of little sleep Oi. So I sit here with some bacon and orange juice and pray for an easy day..........

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Grace's Story

Grace had decided that it was a good day and wanted to tell Alexis all about it, and she just focused on her face and listened so very cute. Life is pretty good for these 2. Except for their shots yesterday, that was a little traumatic. They adore their older brother to peices just as much as he adores them.

An Official update!! and New years resolution!

Okay I TOTALLY promise to blog a heck of alot more! that is one of my new years resolutions! Now to update since my last blog!!

We have made it to sunny California!! and The twins arrived Safely on Sept. 9th 2008. Alexis had no problems upon arrival but Grace needed a stay in the NICU Before she got to come.. as you can see they are both doing fantastic now.. Grace had a serious bout with eczima, but we have found the problem and fixed it and now have it under control. We had and AMAZING christmas we got to go home to utah and spend it with family, and that was just fantastic! Everyone got completly spoiled! so there is an update. I will blog a whole lot more now! I think I have figured out how to use it now HAHAHA!!