Sunday, January 18, 2009

Zuess and Funny Big Brother

So today was just beautiful and so the kids got turned loose into the backyard. As did zuess who really needed the sun shine. The kids enjoy petting his shell and watching him eat the grass they it is fascinating Ha!! But this is his size now..

And this would be the size he started out as.. this was 8 weeks after he hatched when we got him.

Grace today found her big brother to just be

an absolute crack up so I had to get video

of that as well.. Hahaha!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HA HA HA OMG those little girls are getting do big so fast... you better suck ALL of these two up bacase this is it for you.... lol that is untill i have another baby and then you might steel it lol well talk to you laters i got to get back to accouting lol XOXOXO