Friday, May 29, 2009

Jumps and Snuffs

Gabriel is getting brave with his bike. He has started going over a bike jump here is a quickie clip of it.. He is loving it..

And Grace has a fun little snuff face when she thinks she's being cute or something frustrates her Haha so much fun!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Daddy Daughter moment

Grace and Dustin had a moment the other day.. and Grace had her story to tell about it.. Haha! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Its finally warming up enough to play in our pool! yay!! So of course pictures were taken...

Gabriel swimming using his goggles so he can see where he's going Ha!!!
Grace's First pool expierience! she LOVED it!!!

"The Boys" Hanging out next door at Nicholas's house in thier pool! (Cause his is just better I guess hahaha)

Grace Floating, she does it really well and enjoyed it alot!

Alexis wasn't to thrilled with the whole thing, haha!! she doesn't think the pool is all that... she might come around....

Alexis's discovered voice

Alexis discovered her voice quiet well and now is constantly voicing her oppinion about things.. its so much fun! Ha!! My poor ears hear it all day long! Enjoy :-)