Friday, February 6, 2009

Getting Exciting Around Here

Sorry its been a few days things have been kinda nuts!! Alexis has started rolling from her front to her back and manages to land on her sister every time! haha!!

Let the games begin! They both love playing with the red birdie and I only have one... Oi so sharing is going to have to start early.. Guess we'll see, cause so far its not going so hot. ha! someone always ends up with hurt feelings... Ahh sisterly love.....

This is the aftermath of Grace and Alexis with their Peas.. They did pretty good they are enjoying this spoon feeding buisness, and Mommy is getting quite a bit more sleep at night with them enjoying some solids its been nice. And OH MY those blue eyes! Such pretty little ones!

Gabriel got a guitar for christmas, so now him and dustin play together it really is very adorable, its unfortunatly a toy one so it doesn't tune well, so hopefully if he keeps showing interest in it we will get him a real one thats his size to keep playing on.

Liberty is just Living up her cuteness as much as she can. I love her pigtails, she's such a cutie, an extreamly busy cutie, but a cutie non the less, she is coming up on being ready to potty train, so she will have her own potty seat very very soon. It will be nice to have another one out of diapers.

Well thats it for now, I will post more excitiment as it happens....

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